Our Team
Our deep love for all animals is evident in our dedication to their well being and the companionship we provide.
Jessica Dwyer Bartlett, Owner of Whiskers at Home
Jessica brought 15 years of experience in the service industry (working for Marriott International) and 30 years in personal pet care to the company when she started Whiskers at Home. She grew up having many pets–including a Chow Chow, a ringneck parrot, rabbits, and cats; and loved working with horses. Jessica is a UW-Certified Animal Behaviorist who earned her Certified Advance Feline Training Professional (C.A.F.T.P) degree from Animal Behavior Institute in 2020 and uses this education regularly to help train her team of Cat Care Professionals, advise clients, and provide outstanding service to the felines under her care. In 2021, Jessica started Cat Lovers' Academy, where she provides coaching for anyone seeking help for cat behavior issues.
Jessica is a Homeward Pet Adoption Center volunteer and member of their Cat Behavioral team. She also volunteered as an Adoption Counselor for the Purrfect Pals Cat Shelter from 2009 to 2015. From 2010 to 2013, Jessica served as a Board Member for the National Association of Professional Pet Sitters and, in 2015, was the co-winner of their national Business of the Year Award. Because of her passion and knowledge, she believes in providing all cats with the cleanest, safest, and most loving environment possible. Jessica adores cats so much that she has enlisted her feline family members as part of her company staff.

Here are our sitters and the areas they serve.
Click on "Show Full Bio" to learn more about them.
Kelsey • Administrator
Kelsey grew up in Sand Diego, CA, until age nine. She and her husband have been married for eight years; they live in Spokane, WA, with their three young human children. They have two four-legged feline children in their family, Chester and Gabby...
Jennifer • Kirkland & Bothell
Jennifer has had a passion for animals from early on but her family was allergic to pets. Her earliest memories are of taking her allowance money to buy cat food for the feral cats on her block, since she couldn’t have pets of her own...
Lisa M • Kirkland & Redmond
Lisa says animal welfare is part of her life force. True to this passion, she has dedicated many of her days as a volunteer at Homeward Pet Adoption Center in Woodinville, W...
Jill • Kirkland & Redmond
Cats became a big part of Jill's life when she first met her husband. Growing up, Jill's family only had a hamster and later a guinea pig, but no dogs or cats. She assumed she was a dog person, but honestly, didn't really know one way or the other...
Taylor • Kirkland
Taylor Laehle was born and raised in Orange County, CA, and moved to Seattle in 2018, where she fell in love with the beauty and culture of Washington...
Bethany • Bellevue
Bethany lived in Florida, South Dakota, and South Texas and has always had cats. At one point, she adopted two cats who turned out not to be spayed and they both had 5 kittens...
Jenna • Bellevue
Jenna grew up in Dallas, Texas, with the sweetest grey and black tabby, Kijo. The two were best friends and enjoyed playing together, snuggling up, and sharing lots of yummy snacks...
Stephanie • Bothell & Kirkland
Stephanie always had cats as part of her household growing up. Her feline companions were a consistent presence throughout all of life’s ups and downs...
Rob • Mercer Island & S. Bellevue
As a child, Rob had very bad allergies and had to give up his favorite stuffed animal because of all the allergens it collected; in its place he got his first kitten, named Roo. Little Roo was Rob's first introduction to cat care taking...
Shelby • Floater (All of our areas)
If you ask Shelby what she does with her free time she will emphatically answer “cats!” because it’s true! She didn’t get to grow up with pets (despite always begging her family for them) so she learned the ropes with cats and dogs...
Corina • Redmond
Corina moved to Redmond in 2022 with her beautiful bengal Sphinx. She was a paralegal who decided to follow her dream of taking care of animals. She has loved them for as long as she can remember, and grew up in Alaska and Idaho...
Melisa • Bothell & North Kirkland • Day & Overnight Sitter
Melisa grew up on 2 1/2 acres outside of Seattle. She has had several animals growing up including cows, chickens, dogs, gerbils, horses, the occasion hurt bird and yes cats...
Christina • Overnight Pet Sitter
Christina loves how animals effortlessly make her smile; how they are sweet and gentle but also energetic and fun. Her most tender animal relationship thus far was with her very first kitty, Adar...
John, The Husband

John has loved cats for as long as he can remember, having many of them throughout childhood & his adult life. He started fostering for Purrfect Pals in 2012 and has fostered 63 sets of cats & kittens of all ages from birth to senior.
Other than cats, John also has a love for computers, gadgets, gaming, and tech in general. John found a way to merge his love for tech with his love for fostering and created the first ongoing Foster Kitten Cam; The Critter Room, airing 40 sets of fosters around the world 24×7. While the Foster Kitten Cam was originally created to help get his fosters adopted, it has grown to raise awareness of fostering, volunteering for local shelters, and it also helps people relax and forget their troubles for a short time, as they watch kittens scampering around or just sleeping.

Penny is 3 years old. She was adopted from Homeward Pet Adoption Center in April 2018. Her favorite things to do are; build nests to put her toys in, play and carry around all wand toys. She’s the sweetest little sister a cat can ask for, she’s very none reactive. Click here to check out her video during one of her QA sessions on wands.
Sunny is a one-year-old male. The only male in the house. We adopted him from Homeward Pet Adoption Center in April of 2023. Jessica knew he was the one to bring joy back to the house when he jumped out of the cage and onto her chest. John took another three days of convincing. Sunny's favorite things to do include; playing fetch with dad and a spring. Dragging wand toys to mom, sleeping upside down on a heater bed, and wrestling with Harley.
Trillian is a 7-year-old snowshoe who was a foster fail (win) for John on his 42nd litter, the only cat he has ever adopted from fostering. Trillian has a loud, deep purr that happens the minute you look at her. She also “popcorns” when something (anything) unexpected happens. Check out her Facebook Page “Trillian’s Guide to the Mewniverse” which she shares with TinyKitten alumni Nakia & Beatrice.

Nakia and her sister Bea are 3 years old. Nakia loves all cats, she loves to play chase with all her sisters and always wants to make peace. Nakia was born two days after Beatrice in the foster care of TinyKittens in Canada. Three pregnant ferals gave birth within days of each other to form a blended litter which two of the mothers co-nursed.

Beatrice loves the laser light, she could run up and down the hallway 50 times if we let her. She has also had the hardest time adjusting to the blended family and likes to keep everyone in line with a paw. She is a huge Daddy’s girl, they could spend hours together on the couch. Bea & her sister Nakia spent a few nights at John’s house while being transported on the Kitten Underground Network from California back up to TinyKittens after their adopters decided to return them. Obviously, they never made it back.

Harley is the latest addition to the family. Her favorite things in life are; her daddy, her bestie Penny, food, and play time. In that order! She keeps the rest of the VPs running (literally!) and assists with all their needs.